Sunday, August 27, 2023

Clark County Historical Museum Local Authors Fair


On Friday, September 1st from 5-8 PM, I'll be signing books at the After Hours Local Authors Fair at the Clark County Historical Museum in Vancouver, Washington. 

When I was growing up, this beautiful building was the public library. I have so many happy memories spent in the children's section, which was located down the narrow wooden stairs. Each creak added a sense of mystery to my travels toward my next reading adventure. 

My older sister and I felt so grown up as we walked to the library about a mile from our house on a Saturday. I remember the thrill of receiving my first library card with my name typed on the top and the little metal plate with my number on it. No fancy computer to scan a barcode in those days. 

The adventure took a whole day. We started early to be there when the doors opened, spending several hours pulling a book from the shelf, deciding if it was worth lugging the long way home, and then either putting it back or adding it to our pile. After we'd made it home and had finished our Saturday chores, we'd grab the first book on our stack and start reading. There was no time spent dithering about which book we'd read first because we knew they would all be devoured before we made the trip back to the library in two weeks.

I am looking forward to spending an entire evening taking in the sounds, smells, and old-world ambiance of that building. Won't you join me?

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Friday, August 4, 2023

Another fun school visit today!

Another fun school visit today! The kids were so attentive and we had a lot of fun!

I'm not sure whether they were more interested in my talk, the activity, or watching me unpack my bag & show them what I had inside! There's something about a closed-up bag and the discovery of its hidden treasures that fascinates everyone!

Happy St Patrick's Day!

  The Nadavir Gang wish you a very Irish St. Patrick's Day!